Intermittent Fasting Done Right: Benefits and Tips
⏰ Women need to fast differently from men. Women must fast for different lengths of time depending on their menstrual cycle. If done correctly, it will not only help burn fat, but have a myriad of health benefits for women’s health. ⏳👇
Recommended Fasting Schedule for Women
(Credit: Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz)
🩸Power Phase
- Days 1 - 10 and 16 - 19 of cycle. (Day 1 = First Day of Bleeding)
- Estrogen level is low. Fasting will keep insulin low which allows estrogen production to thrive.
- Recommend fasting for 13 - 72 hours.
- Focus on eating protein, a variety of vegetables and fruits, and load up on good fat. This will help promote detox and accelerate fat burning
🩸 Manifestation Phase
- Days 11 - 15.
- Estrogen is high. Moderate fasting is enough.
- Recommend fasting for 13 - 15 hours.
- Focus on foods that nourish the liver, and intestines (the two organs that help metabolize estrogen preparing them for excretion).
🩸Nurture Phase
- Days 20 - 30.
- Body starts producing Progesterone, an important hormone that prepares the lining of your uterus for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. Fasting is not recommended as it may spike cortisol, impacting progesterone production.
- Recommend no fasting.
- Add carbs like potatoes, beans and squash into your diet as Progesterone production can be affected by low glucose levels.
Recommended Fasting Schedule for Women
(Credit: Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz)
🩸Power Phase
- Days 1 - 10 and 16 - 19 of cycle. (Day 1 = First Day of Bleeding)
- Estrogen level is low. Fasting will keep insulin low which allows estrogen production to thrive.
- Recommend fasting for 13 - 72 hours.
- Focus on eating protein, a variety of vegetables and fruits, and load up on good fat. This will help promote detox and accelerate fat burning
🩸 Manifestation Phase
- Days 11 - 15.
- Estrogen is high. Moderate fasting is enough.
- Recommend fasting for 13 - 15 hours.
- Focus on foods that nourish the liver, and intestines (the two organs that help metabolize estrogen preparing them for excretion).
🩸Nurture Phase
- Days 20 - 30.
- Body starts producing Progesterone, an important hormone that prepares the lining of your uterus for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. Fasting is not recommended as it may spike cortisol, impacting progesterone production.
- Recommend no fasting.
- Add carbs like potatoes, beans and squash into your diet as Progesterone production can be affected by low glucose levels.